Empowering people with diabetes

Creating a future where Diabetes does not define You.

GLAICE is on a mission to enabling individuals to decode their health and navigate their diabetes journey with a devotion to make medical science accessible to all.

Combining medical science and your personal health data and make it easy to understand

Discover how the GLAICE algorithm combines cutting-edge technology and scientific research with best in class user experience to empower you to navigate your health journey. Explore our Technology and Science pages to learn more.

Based on the most recent medical guidelines

Working with leading researchers and physicians to be on the edge of science.

Personalized on your unique health data

Always connected with your health data to make it personalized and effective

Easy to use and access for everyone

With our own developed UX frameworks we make it easy to use for everyone

Discover how GLAICE works for people with type-1 Diabetes

Stay Safe and Live Easily with GLAICE

Our platform analyzes your health, lifestyle, and glucose data to provide actionable insights and tailored advice.

Understand & control your body and health

Master your body's reactions and blood glucose levels. With our digital companion to make informed decisions for a better health.

Making science understandable for all

All recommendations are rooted in the latest medical guidelines for optimal health management.

Discover how GLAICE works for people with type-2 Diabetes

Data as motivational tool

Leveraging personal health data to inspire and motivate, going beyond disease management.

Tailored health plan

Gradually integrating and adapting habits that effortlessly fit into the daily schedules of users.

Long-term support

Encouraging the long-term habit adherence by implementing relapse prevention strategies.

Developed with leading researchers and diabetologists

Our team of leading researchers and diabetologists advising our product development and guiding our research

Prof. Dr. Othmar Moser

Prof. Dr. Othmar Moser is a leading researcher in metabolism and exercise physiology. Leading diabetes research.

Dr. Ulrike Becker

Dr. Ulrike Becker is a renowned diabetologist with extensive experience in diabetes management and physical activity.

Dr. Meinolf Behrens

Dr. Meinolf Behrens is a renowned diabetologist with extensive experience in diabetes management and physical activity.

Ulrike Thurm
Diabetes Exercise Expert

Ulrike Thurm is passionate about diabetes and exercise and trained some of the world's best athletes with diabetes.

Prof. Dr. Christian Brinkmann

Prof. Dr. Christian Brinkmann is a leading researcher in sports medicine
and diabetology.

Devoted to medical science to develop a trusted and digital health assistant

Improved Control

Take charge of your diabetes with our science-based approach that enables you to harness the power of the latest scientific findings for better control and diabetes management.

Enhanced Safety

Our science-based approach ensures safer diabetes management based on the latest medical research, giving you peace of mind.

Take control of your diabetes

Join our beta and start managing your diabetes more effectively today.

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